Cryptocurrency backed by Physical Gold

About JPGC

The JPGold Coin is a digital coin mined on the Ethereum Network. It has a hybrid of two unique features which makes it very special in the crypto world; it is a cryptocurrency that is tokenized as a digital coin and has its value support and guaranteed on the gold assets. Having JPGold Coin is like having gold for the preservation of values and trading and this makes it the most liquid and reliable cryptocurrency compared to the altcoin.

JPGC- Secure, easy to sell, and transparent

JP Gold Coin has made investing simple for millions around the world. 


It is among the best cryptocurrencies which include the exchange of values, transferability, divisibility, secured, portable, and easy to trade.

Hedge against Inflation

JPGC token is a hedge against inflation, the value of your token does not go down as economy purchasing power is dwindling.


JP Gold Coin serves as collateral security for all financial institutions across the world to carry out any financial transactions, it's as collateral for taking a loan to buy cars, buy houses, and other valuables because the token is gold-backed.

Backed with Physical Gold

To put in your hand technology-based crypto-assets backed with gold that you can fall back on any time you have financial need.

Token Sale

Token Name: JP Gold Coin
Ticker: JPGC
Token Platform: Ethereum
Token Standard: ERC20
Max. Supply (Hard Cap): 750 million
Available for Purchase: 450 million
Listing Exchange Platform: LATOKEN

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